Sunday, March 2, 2014

Logos Expressed in the Conceptrol Shields Ad

When you look at the Conceptrol Shields ad, the detail you'll probably notice first is the word "prophylactic." Prophylactic is so rarely used in a colloquial manner that right off the bat this condom brand seems undoubtedly reliable. Also, notice the words sensitivity, strength, comfort, and lubrication are all in bold at the bottom of the ad. If you look even closer, each bolded word is thoroughly explained. What I found interesting was how each section included facts and an explanation as to how Conceptrol Shields will benefit the user. For example, "Sensitivity: The change wasn't drastic, but from the shape you know to a slightly contoured shape at the head. We feel this slight change will make Conceptrol Shields conform easier to you and give you a fit you're not getting from an ordinary prophylactic." Not only did this advertisement address the changes made to the condom but also addressed the positive aspects of this change.

- Gerald De Leon


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Logos is definitely all over this ad, from the title to the very detailed descriptions of why this brand is the best choice in condoms. I think it's interesting how descriptive they get; it's kind of like the small print at the bottom of what's on a medicine label/in a commercial.. usually it just gets skipped over. At least that's what I do. But it does offer good, logical information for those who are really looking into which condom would be the best fit to purchase. -Kristen

  3. The idea you expressed about the word choice was very insightful. I thought the word choice was pretty important as well. Even the name shield paints a picture of strong protection.
