Thursday, February 27, 2014

Conceptrol Shield Pathos!

The Conceptrol Shields advertisement, though subtle and keeping to the idea of normality in society by displaying the couples on the box, it marked the beginning an age sexual exploration. By stating that the condoms “feel like you’re not wearing anything” provoke a sense pleasure or pleasure seeking in the audience, that they can still be responsible and have fun. Also, having the couples on each box stare lovingly into one another’s eyes stimulates passion and longing in the pair of individuals or individual looking at the advertisement; the couple wants to be like them and can achieve this by using Conceptrol Shield. Not to mention the fact that having such an advertisement distributed evokes either a sense of exploration or disdain at the idea of sex becoming a part of the public discourse. Prior to the sexual revolution, an advertisement for condoms, birth control, or any kind of contraception was strictly taboo. The 1960's, the beginning of the sexual revolution, was a time where a shift of thinking was occurring between younger generations, who participated and essentially started the sexual revolution, and older generations, who believed that sex outside marriage and discussion of sex in a public discourse was socially unacceptable.  

1 comment:

  1. I like that you compare the emotions displayed on the box to those that are evoked in those who actually saw the box. While the picture of the couple is showing love and a connection between the two people, the emotions that could have accompanied new sexual freedom were much more frowned upon.
    *Your sentence "it marked the beginning" is missing a word i think!
    Well done though.
