Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Rhetorical Situation of the Durex Condom Ad

Sexual liberation is still present within the 21st century. However, the message is less narrow-minded and more focused on safe sexual acts. Current advertisers such as Durex choose to shy away from using heterosexual Caucasian couples as their main image and choose to use a much simpler image: the condom wrapper. This advertisement is targeted to an assortment of couples of all ages and sexes; and with the slogan "Lights Off. Action", sexual liberation without constraints is implied. Durex’s modern and diverse audience can pursue freedom within their sex lives just without a constant fear of unwanted STD’s and/or unplanned pregnancies. 


  1. I definitely agree that this ad is simple yet focused on the concept of sexual freedom, and being safe while utilizing these freedoms. I think the "Lights Off. Action" definitely appeals to the adventurous younger crowd, but also older couples that crave more excitement or "action." -Kristen

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  3. I also think that because what is sexually "normal" has changed in recent times with the wider acknowledgment of LGBT rights, condom ads need to target a more diverse audience. The heterosexual white beautiful couple in the 60's advertisement appealed to the societal normals and pressures of the time period. However the 21st century has proven to be a period of sexual revolution, reaching even beyond women's liberation.

  4. Just goes to show how much has changed, even though the 60's were supposed to be the "revolution." I definitely agree with Julia, that companies now are trying to widen their audience as much as possible.

  5. This modern condom add definitely appeals to a broad target audience of people of various races, due to its simplicity and straight forward message. In contrast, the 1960's Shields condom add attracts a smaller audience, because their use of solely caucasians could be found offensive by people of other races. I agree with Kristen that the slogan would draw interest in a younger more free-spitied crowd. However I am confused as to why the condom in the advertisement is pictured on a plate.
