Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Ethos - Conceptrol Shields Ad

I think the most important step in advertising condoms is finding a way to establish credibility. Why should consumers trust your brand? The Conceptrol Shields ad does a nice job of establishing ethos by depicting two very successful couples as their package display. The men are dressed in a suit and tie while the women hang on their shoulders, looking intimately into their eyes (also notice the huge necklace piece on the chick up front). This ad emphasizes the importance of first impressions.

- Gerald De Leon


  1. Well said. I definitely think the successful couples on the front of the boxes establish credibility in this ad, and makes the viewer feel confident that if condoms will work for these couples, then they will work for him or her. I think the small print also helps to give the viewer some concrete evidence of how the product has actually changed/improved and its quality. -Kristen

  2. I agree with you, but also think the name of the brand implies and incredibly strong condom. Shields have been used since medieval times and have proved consistently durable and strong, protecting the person behind it. By implying the condom acts as a shield against the dangers of intercourse, the consumer feels safe.

    -Jeff Brower
